Clean on the Inside

I recently read Clapton’s Guitar, by Allen St. John, a tale about Wayne Henderson, the renowned guitar maker who specializes in the crafting of handmade, custom acoustic guitars. One chapter in particular really jumped out at me. Titled “Clean on the Inside”, it focused on how Henderson spends so much time perfecting the inside of … Read more

Rules For Riley; Rule 2: Always Be Curious

These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order. Rule 2: … Read more

Rules For Riley; Rule 1: The Illusion of Reality

These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order. Rule 1: … Read more

Rules for Riley

While awake for a 3:00 AM feeding and diaper change with my newborn girl, Riley, I noticed that my brain was working as tirelessly as my body was. There had been such a big change in those past few days and the thoughts floating around in my head felt a bit more important — I … Read more