Rules For Riley; Rule 10: Become a Little Better Every Day

These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order. Life is … Read more

What I Read: Q4 2022

The Innovators, Walter Isaacson A masterful tour of the creative people behind the development of computers and the digital revolution using a frame that probes the relative contributions of teamwork vs. individual genius. From Ada Lovelace to Google, Isaacson’s wonderfully connected storytelling takes you through the various branches of innovations that have led to the digital … Read more

Rules For Riley; Rule 9: Pay Attention To Life’s Lessons

These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order. Rule 9: … Read more

Rules For Riley; Rule 8: Practice Makes Permanent

These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order. Rule 8: … Read more

What I Read: Q3 2022

Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, Walter Isaacson Walter Isaacson tackles the ultimate hyphenated man in Ben Franklin — printer, scientist, raconteur, diplomat, author, philosopher, inventor, politician, and world-renowned icon. This biography helps one understand not just who Benjamin Franklin was, but why he was who he was, and what a critical voice he played in the … Read more