What I Read: Q3 2023

Midlife: A Philosophical Guide, Kieran Setiya Having just turned 40 I wanted to read something introspective about officially entering middle age. I found a lot of inspirational self-help type books that didn’t really interest me. I wanted something that would make me think and reflect; something more philosophical. Satiya tackles the major questions of midlife through … Read more

Rules For Riley; Rule 14: Free Yourself From Possessions

These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order. The language … Read more

Rules For Riley; Rule 13: Control Your Impulses

These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order. If something … Read more

What I Read: Q2 2023

The Science of Story Telling, Will Storr This book was great. Really, really great. It’s about storytelling?-?but more than anything it’s about character, people, and human psychology. It’s about how storytelling plays a critical role in defining our persona and inner most psyche. It’s really about who we are and why we do the things … Read more

Rules For Riley; Rule 12: Consider Other Points of View

These rules are meant to be bite-sized life lessons that lay a foundation to learn from. They are designed to help cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom as a part of your life. These rules are not definitive and should be used as thought-provoking exercises. These rules are not written in any particular order. We tend … Read more