ING NYC Marathon

DATE: Sunday, November 6, 2011, 10:10 AM Race Start
LOCATION: NYC, Start: Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island / Finish: Central Park: Course Map
WEATHER: 46 degrees / 4 mph WSW wind / 58% humidity

What an experience. This was my first full marathon and it was anything but forgettable. New York City has some crazy energy, we all know that, but 26.2 miles of crazy, screaming fans at every corner? That is the NYC Marathon.

I signed on with team Meals on Wheels to run the 2011 NYC Marathon and my fundraising efforts instantly became part of my training. For 4 months all I was able to think about was the NYC Marathon; when I wasn’t running I was fundraising and when I wasn’t fundraising I was running. In the end, with the help of so many friends, family, and even complete strangers we were able to raise a total of $3,601 for Meals on Wheels of Rockland County! A huge success in itself!

My training was everything that I expected it to be; if anything I went a little light on the training due to time constraints (hard to get all those miles in with work, commute, etc)! My long run going into my first marathon was 21 miles and I felt strong. 2 weeks before the race I PR’ed a 5k (20:50). I began to taper and was feeling good going into race week.

The big days before the race.. I was nervous. So nervous that when I developed a pounding headache the Friday before the race, I wrote it off as stress. When I woke up Saturday morning with a 101 degree fever I knew that I was in trouble. I had caught some kind of bug at the worst possible time! I spent my Saturday drinking bottles of Gatorade, trying my hardest to eat any little thing I could and sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. Sunday morning came and I was still at 101 and could hardly stand. Like any normal person, I geared up and got on the bus to the race start. I ran the 2011 NYC Marathon, and I ran it with a 101 degree fever. Now that’s tough.

The entire race was spent with my friends Vincent Carrotozzolo and George Roa. Having those two by my side the whole way definitely made it more manageable; they metaphorically carried me over the finish line. I thank them both for their company, inspiration, friendship and coaching!

Days before the race I was interviewed by Adam Littman at for this article: Rockland Residents Gearing Up For NYC Marathon

On The Course

The ING New York City Marathon course is a 26.2-mile block party through the world’s most diverse city, and has been a model for big-city marathons around the world. Here’s what you need to know about services, entertainment, cheering zones, and more.

I finished in 4:31:18 and with a 102.6 fever.

Moral of the story? Never run a marathon with a 101 degree fever (unless it’s NY)!

Some of the great companies/people that supported me: